extends Entity
in package
Class ProcessorEntity
Base class for all entities.
Table of Contents
- $id : mixed
- Processor ID.
- $db : ADOConnection|null
- DB connections.
- $details : array<string|int, mixed>
- An array of details of the processor, used to configure the frontend GUI and metadata construction.
- $logger : MonologWrapper
- Logger object.
- $meta : array<string|int, mixed>
- Metadata for the processor.
- $request : Request
- All the request details.
- __construct() : mixed
- details() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Return details for processor.
- process() : mixed
- Main processor function.
- val() : mixed|DataContainer
- Process a variable into a final result for the processor.
- generateParams() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Generate the params array for the sql search.
- isDataContainer() : bool
- Validate if a set of data is wrapped in a DataContainer object.
- validateAllowedTypes() : void
- Validate an input for allowed variable types
- validateAllowedValues() : void
- Validate an input for allowed values.
Processor ID.
= ''
Processor ID.
DB connections.
An array of details of the processor, used to configure the frontend GUI and metadata construction.
array<string|int, mixed>
= array()
Details of the processor.
Indexes: 'name' (string): Human readable name of the processor.
'machineName' (string): Machine name of the processor in snake case.
'description' (string): Description of the processor.
'menu' (string): Lists the immediate menu parents.
examples: 'menu' => 'menu1' - belongs to menu1
'conditional' (optional, boolean):
ApiOpenStudio usually parses the node tree using depth-first iteration. In some cases, this may be wasteful because a processor may require conditional branching, in which case, we do not want to parse all comparison values until we know what branch we will take, i.e. in if_then_else processor, we do not need to process both the 'then' and the 'else' branches.
If omitted or set to false: The parsing will continue as normal (depth-first).
If set to true: The processor will be calculated and then the result branch will be returned and added to the stack.
'input': List the input nodes for this processor This is an array with the following indexes:
'description' (string): description of what the processor does
'cardinality': (int min, mixed max) e.g. [0, 1] max can be integer or ''. '' = infinite
'literalAllowed' (boolean): Allow liter values.
'limitValues' (array|mixed): Limit the result values passed into the processor.
'limitProcessors' (array|string): Limit the input processors.
'limitTypes' (array): an array of input type this processor will accept. Possible values: file literal bool numeric integer text float bool
'conditional' (optional): In the case of branching processors (see 'preprocess' above), this indicates if the input is a conditional input or required for the logic comparison.
examples: input => [ 'sources' => [ 'description' => 'desc1', 'cardinality' => [1, '*'], type => ['literal'] ] ] This processor has only one input, called sources. Sources must contain at least one value. The inputs can only be a literal value.
input => [
'method' => [
'description' => 'desc1',
'cardinality' => [1, 1],
'literalAllowed': true
'limitType': ['text'],
'limitValues' => ["get", "post"]
'auth' => [
'description' => 'desc2',
'cardinality' => [1, 1],
'limitProcessors' => ['var_get'],
'vars' => [
'description' => 'desc3',
'cardinality' => [0, '*'],
limitTypes => ['integer'],
't' => [
'description' => 'desc4',
'cardinality' => [0, '*'],
'limitProcessors' => ['field'],
This Processor has 4 inputs:
method, which has only one input, of type text, with only 2 possible values ('get' and 'post'),
literals are allowed.
auth, which has only one value, of type processor (var_get).
vars, which can contain:
0 or many values
Must be an integer
with no limit on value
t, which can take or many input of Processor Field.
Logger object.
Metadata for the processor.
array<string|int, mixed>
All the request details.
__construct(array<string|int, mixed> &$meta, Request &$request, ADOConnection|null $db, MonologWrapper|null $logger) : mixed
- $meta : array<string|int, mixed>
Metadata for the processor.
- $request : Request
The full request object.
- $db : ADOConnection|null
The DB connection object.
- $logger : MonologWrapper|null
The logger.
Return values
mixed —details()
Return details for processor.
details() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —process()
Main processor function.
process() : mixed
This is where the magic happens, and should be overridden by all derived classes.
Fetches and process the processor described in the metadata. It is also the 1st stop to recursive processing of processors, so the place validate user credentials.
Return values
mixed —val()
Process a variable into a final result for the processor.
val(string $key[, bool|null $rawData = false ]) : mixed|DataContainer
This method can be used to process a value in its meta to return a final result that it can use. If the object is a processor, then it will process that down to a final return value, or if the obj is a simple value, then it will return that. Anything else will return an error object.
Setting $realValue to true will force the value to be the actual value, rather than a potential dataContainer.
- $key : string
The key for the input variable in the meta.
- $rawData : bool|null = false
Return the raw data or a DataContainer.
Return values
mixed|DataContainer —generateParams()
Generate the params array for the sql search.
generateParams(string|null $keyword, array<string|int, mixed>|null $keywordCols, string|null $orderBy, string|null $direction) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $keyword : string|null
Search keyword.
- $keywordCols : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Columns to search for the keyword.
- $orderBy : string|null
Order by column.
- $direction : string|null
Order direction.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —isDataContainer()
Validate if a set of data is wrapped in a DataContainer object.
isDataContainer(mixed $data) : bool
- $data : mixed
DataContainer or raw data.
Return values
bool —validateAllowedTypes()
Validate an input for allowed variable types
validateAllowedTypes(string $type, array<string|int, mixed> $limitTypes, int $min, string $key) : void
- $type : string
Input value type.
- $limitTypes : array<string|int, mixed>
List of limit on variable types.
- $min : int
Minimum number of values.
- $key : string
The key of the input being validated.
Return values
void —validateAllowedValues()
Validate an input for allowed values.
validateAllowedValues(mixed $val, array<string|int, mixed> $limitValues, int $min, string $key) : void
- $val : mixed
Input value.
- $limitValues : array<string|int, mixed>
List of allowed values.
- $min : int
Minimum number of values.
- $key : string
The key of the input being validated.