ApiOpenStudio PHPDoc

OutputResponse extends OutputEntity
in package

Class OutputResponse

Response outputs base class.

Table of Contents

$id  : mixed
Processor ID.
$status  : mixed
The HTTP output status.
$data  : DataContainer
The output data.
$details  : array<string|int, mixed>
An array of details of the processor, used to configure the frontend GUI and metadata construction.
$header  : string
Content-type header value.
$logger  : MonologWrapper
Logger object.
$meta  : array<string|int, mixed>
Metadata for the processor.
$request  : Request
All the request details.
__construct()  : mixed
OutputResponse constructor.
details()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Return details for processor.
process()  : mixed
Main processor function.
setHeader()  : void
Set the response headers.
setResponseCode()  : void
Set the HTML response code.
val()  : mixed|DataContainer
Process a variable into a final result for the processor.
castData()  : mixed
Cast the data to the required Type.
isDataContainer()  : bool
Validate if a set of data is wrapped in a DataContainer object.
validateAllowedTypes()  : void
Validate an input for allowed variable types
validateAllowedValues()  : void
Validate an input for allowed values.



Processor ID.

public mixed $id = ''

Processor ID.


The HTTP output status.

public mixed $status

The output status.


An array of details of the processor, used to configure the frontend GUI and metadata construction.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $details = array()

Details of the processor.

Indexes: 'name' (string): Human readable name of the processor.

'machineName' (string): Machine name of the processor in snake case.

'description' (string): Description of the processor.

'menu' (string): Lists the immediate menu parents.

examples: 'menu' => 'menu1' - belongs to menu1

'conditional' (optional, boolean):

ApiOpenStudio usually parses the node tree using depth-first iteration. In some cases, this may be wasteful because a processor may require conditional branching, in which case, we do not want to parse all comparison values until we know what branch we will take, i.e. in if_then_else processor, we do not need to process both the 'then' and the 'else' branches.

If omitted or set to false: The parsing will continue as normal (depth-first).

If set to true: The processor will be calculated and then the result branch will be returned and added to the stack.

'input': List the input nodes for this processor This is an array with the following indexes:

'description' (string): description of what the processor does

'cardinality': (int min, mixed max) e.g. [0, 1] max can be integer or ''. '' = infinite

'literalAllowed' (boolean): Allow liter values.

'limitValues' (array|mixed): Limit the result values passed into the processor.

'limitProcessors' (array|string): Limit the input processors.

'limitTypes' (array): an array of input type this processor will accept. Possible values: file literal bool numeric integer text float bool

'conditional' (optional): In the case of branching processors (see 'preprocess' above), this indicates if the input is a conditional input or required for the logic comparison.

examples: input => [ 'sources' => [ 'description' => 'desc1', 'cardinality' => [1, '*'], type => ['literal'] ] ] This processor has only one input, called sources. Sources must contain at least one value. The inputs can only be a literal value.

 input => [
   'method' => [
     'description' => 'desc1',
     'cardinality' => [1, 1],
     'literalAllowed': true
     'limitType': ['text'],
     'limitValues' => ["get", "post"]
   'auth' => [
      'description' => 'desc2',
      'cardinality' => [1, 1],
      'limitProcessors' => ['var_get'],
   'vars' => [
      'description' => 'desc3',
      'cardinality' => [0, '*'],
       limitTypes => ['integer'],
   't' => [
      'description' => 'desc4',
      'cardinality' => [0, '*'],
      'limitProcessors' => ['field'],

 This Processor has 4 inputs:

     method, which has only one input, of type text, with only 2 possible values ('get' and 'post'),
         literals are allowed.
     auth, which has only one value, of type processor (var_get).
     vars, which can contain:
         0 or many values
         Must be an integer
         with no limit on value
     t, which can take or many input of Processor Field.


Content-type header value.

protected string $header = ''

The string to contain the content type header value.


Metadata for the processor.

protected array<string|int, mixed> $meta


All the request details.

protected Request $request




OutputResponse constructor.

public __construct(array<string|int, mixed> &$meta, Request &$request, MonologWrapper|null $logger, mixed $data, int $status) : mixed
$meta : array<string|int, mixed>

Output meta.

$request : Request

The full request object.

$logger : MonologWrapper|null


$data : mixed

Output data.

$status : int

HTTP output status.

Return values


Return details for processor.

public details() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Main processor function.

public process() : mixed

Throw an exception if unable to precess the output.

Return values

Result of the processor.


Set the response headers.

public setHeader() : void
Return values


Set the HTML response code.

public setResponseCode() : void
Return values


Process a variable into a final result for the processor.

public val(string $key[, bool|null $rawData = false ]) : mixed|DataContainer

This method can be used to process a value in its meta to return a final result that it can use. If the object is a processor, then it will process that down to a final return value, or if the obj is a simple value, then it will return that. Anything else will return an error object.

Setting $realValue to true will force the value to be the actual value, rather than a potential dataContainer.

$key : string

The key for the input variable in the meta.

$rawData : bool|null = false

Return the raw data or a DataContainer.


Invalid key or data.

Return values


Cast the data to the required Type.

protected abstract castData() : mixed

Throw an exception if unable to convert the data.

Return values


Validate if a set of data is wrapped in a DataContainer object.

protected isDataContainer(mixed $data) : bool
$data : mixed

DataContainer or raw data.

Return values


Validate an input for allowed variable types

private validateAllowedTypes(string $type, array<string|int, mixed> $limitTypes, int $min, string $key) : void
$type : string

Input value type.

$limitTypes : array<string|int, mixed>

List of limit on variable types.

$min : int

Minimum number of values.

$key : string

The key of the input being validated.


Invalid data type.

Return values


Validate an input for allowed values.

private validateAllowedValues(mixed $val, array<string|int, mixed> $limitValues, int $min, string $key) : void
$val : mixed

Input value.

$limitValues : array<string|int, mixed>

List of allowed values.

$min : int

Minimum number of values.

$key : string

The key of the input being validated.


Invalid value.

Return values

Search results