ApiOpenStudio PHPDoc

ApiException extends Exception
in package

Class ApiException

Custom Exception handler for ApiOpenStudio.

Table of Contents

$htmlCode  : int
HTML response code.
$processor  : mixed
Processor ID.
__construct()  : mixed
Throw an API exception. This will return a standard error object in the format requested in the header.
getHtmlCode()  : int
Get the HTML return code.
getProcessor()  : mixed
Get the ID of the processor.



HTML response code.

private int $htmlCode

HTML response code.



Throw an API exception. This will return a standard error object in the format requested in the header.

public __construct([string $message = 'Unknown error' ], int $code[, mixed $processor = -1 ][, int $htmlCode = 400 ][, Exception|null $previous = null ]) : mixed
$message : string = 'Unknown error'

The Exception message to throw.

$code : int

The Exception code.

$processor : mixed = -1

The processor where the error occurred.

$htmlCode : int = 400

The HTML return code.

$previous : Exception|null = null

The previous exception used for the exception chaining. Since 5.3.0.

Return values


Get the HTML return code.

public getHtmlCode() : int
Return values

Get the HTML return code.


Get the ID of the processor.

public getProcessor() : mixed
Return values

Get the processor where the error occurred.

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